Legal disclaimer :The Rolling Leaf Dispo does not sell any cannabis items. We are simply a group of  cannabis legalization advocates that connects fellow cannabis enthusiasts together. ANY ITEM RECEIVED IS RECEIVED AS A GIFT FROM ONE 21+ ADULT TO ANOTHER. Donations for your fellow enthusiasts time are encouraged.  
You may be presented with an updated menu upon arrival of a cannabis legalization advocate, however there is no guarantee that you will receive any cannabis item.   Absolutely nothing is for sale off our website.  Our online menu is simply suggestions of our favorite items our advocates have suggested they love at the moment. Any prices displayed on the site is for entertainment and sample market pricing and does not show an item being sold. 
Any potential gifts will be discussed at time of visit.  The Rolling Leaf Dispo has nothing for sale. Our Menu is a sample but updated often. Any similarity between our menu and the one an enthusiast may be carrying is a coincidence.